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Conference Marketing

Service by The SEO Specialist

This marketing conference was the largest in the country with well known speakers.  there were 5000 professionals attended this conference  USA

Project Detail

This Project was urgent, and the clients were eager to fill all the empty seats as soon as possible. The problem here is there is only so much you can do with emails and mailers to have people signup for an event. The hotel booked for the night for this event, but there weren’t enough participants to fill all the seats.

The Client reach out to us to help to spread the news for his conference

ClientAztec Science
Project DateJune, 24 2018

Fast Solution

We were able to use a combination of socials media and google Ads for a short period; all the seats reserved, and they had overflow as a backup just in case of last-minute cancelation. The client was impressed with the quick response, and they referred us to other clients.

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1.00% CTR

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22% Less CPA

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400% ROI